Should you need urgent health advice please contact your GP or call NHS 111. In an emergency please visit A&E or call 999

Self Help Resources

If a referral made through this website meets the qualifying criteria then the Children and Young People Mental Health Triage and Navigation service will then refer that to a secondary service for review. Meanwhile, you and or your parent or carer may find some of the following services helpful:

Anxiety and Depression

Mood Juice

Helps you think about emotional problems and work towards solving them.


A private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen. Contact a ChildLine counsellor for free about anything – no problem is too big or too small.

Tel: 0800 1111

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) self-help and therapy resources, including worksheets, information sheets and self-help mp3s. CBT has been proven to help mental health problems such as anxiety, low mood, anger and low self-esteem.

Young Minds

Young Minds supports and keeps young minds empowered with whatever challenges they are facing. Offer different types of courses to look after your young minds. Information for parents, on how they could support their child during different situations.

Tel:  0808 802 5544

Heads Up Leicester, formerly the Centre for Fun and Families (CFF)

Heads Up Leicester supports parents/carers and young people over 8 with challenging behaviour, conflict and communication difficulties, and mental health (anxiety, worry, low mood and depression). CFF’s programmes vary throughout the year so call to discuss your situation.

Tel: 0116 223 4254


Tellmi is an peer support app, an inclusive digital community where young people can help themselves and each other, and is available for children and young people living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, over the age of 11.


VitaMinds is a free and confidential talking therapy service to help get things back on track and aim to help improve the mental wellbeing of people suffering from: worry, low mood, depression, anxiety, OCD, traumatic event or a lack of motivation.

Self Refer via
Or call  on 0333 0153 496

Chat Health

Chat Health is a confidential text messaging service that enables children and young people (aged 11-19) to contact their local public health nursing (school nursing) team.

Leicester City residents only text: 07520 615 386

Leicestershire & Rutland residents text: 07520 615 387

Response time: Within 24 hours, 9am to 5pm Mon to Fri (except bank holidays)
Accessed via


Mind provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem

Tel: 0300 123 3393 or text 86463 (Mon – Fri, 9am – 6pm except bank holidays)


Safeline Young People (SLYP)

SLYP offers information, advice and support about anything happening in your life including bullying, self-esteem, mental health, social media, relationships and drugs and alcohol.

Helpline: 01926 402498
Text: 07860 027 573

The Mix counselling service

The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people (under 25s) to help you take on any challenge you’re facing – from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs. Talk to us via our online community, on social media, through our free, confidential Helpline: or our counselling service.

Tel: 0808 8084994 or Text for free 85258

Autism & ADHD

Autism East Midlands

Support and information for families and individuals with autism spectrum disorder as well as play, leisure and activities for children and young people.

Tel: 01909 506 678

Autism Space

This is a place to find advice, information and support around all things relating to autism including education and employment, health and lifestyle, benefits and diagnosis, life beyond diagnosis and autism support groups. 

Chat Autism

A text messaging service for diagnosed and non-diagnosed autistic people, their families and carers. You can chat with a fully qualified professional about emotional wellbeing, healthy lifestyle, drugs, alcohol and smoking, and other areas.

07312 277097

Resources for Autism

Provide practical services for children and adults with a diagnosis of autism and for those who love and care for them. Services include: home support, play and youth groups, individual care packages, parent and sibling groups, behavioural support, music and art therapy and adult groups

07891 476837

Leicestershire Autistic Society

The Leicestershire Autistic Society (formed over 20 years ago) provides support, information and advice to families and professionals dealing with Autism in Leicestershire, Leicester City and Rutland. You can find useful information on their Facebook page.
Helpline: 0116 291 6958
Leicestershire Autistic Society | Facebook

ADHD Solutions

Provides information, help, support and advice for children, young people and adults diagnosed with or suspected of having ADHD. Self-refer by telephone or online

Advice point: 0116 2610711

Behavioural Difficulties

Heads Up Leicester, formerly the Centre for Fun and Families (CFF)

Heads Up Leicester supports parents/carers and young people over 8 with challenging behaviour, conflict and communication difficulties, and mental health (anxiety, worry, low mood and depression). CFF’s programmes vary throughout the year so call to discuss your situation.

Tel: 0116 223 4254

Family Action

Transforms lives by providing practical, emotional and financial support to those experiencing difficulties.

Tel: 0808 802 6666


The Bridge/talk2sort

Supports young people and their families to reduce the likelihood of homelessness by resolving conflict. Mediation can be a difficult process but it can improve home life and relationships.

Tel: 01509 260500  Freephone: 0800 038 5964 WhatsApp 07521 386794


The Laura Centre

A professional bereavement service that believes in providing a safe, friendly and inclusive environment for all the family but also on an individual basis.

Advice point: 0116 254 4341

Winston’s Wish

Provides emotional and practical bereavement support to children, young people and carers. Offer one-off and on-going bereavement support, online resources, specialist publications and training for professionals.

Helpline: 08088 020 021




Provides a range of services to help individuals affected by bipolar, including; peer support line, support groups, eCommunity, employment support and crisis support.


Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

Body Dysmorphic Foundation

Provide information, resources and online support groups to individuals affected by BDD, their families, friends, partners and carers.

Eating Disorder

First Steps ED

The Midlands eating disorder charity that provides individual and group therapy services, guided self-help groups for all ages, genders and backgrounds from 5 years plus, supporting children, young people and adults including parents/carers through face to face and online video clinics which can also be accessed in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland schools (with support from the school).

Helpline: 0300 102 1685 (freephone)


Beat Eating Disorders

The UK’s eating disorder charity that provides helplines, online support and a network of UK-wide self-help groups to help adults and young people in the UK beat their eating disorders.

Helpline: 0808 801 0677

Youthline: 0808 801 0711

Studentline: 0808 801 0811

Gender Identity

The LGBT Centre Leicester

Information on subjects that affect LGBT people’s lives including signposting and referrals to other agencies.

Tel: 0116 254 7412

Gendered Intelligence

Works with the trans community and those who impact on trans lives; particularly specialise in supporting young trans people under the age of 21.

Hearing Voices

Inter Voice

Provides articles and resources relating to coping with, living with and recovering from distressing voices.


Advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.

Tel: 0300 123 3393 or text 86463 (Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm except bank holidays)

Loneliness Support Services – Elefriends

MINDs online community for those over the age of 18 where you can be yourself and offers a safe place to listen, share and be heard.


There around the clock, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for support with whatever you are going through.

Tel: 116 123 (free from any phone)


A free, private and confidential service for anyone under the age of 19 in the UK with any big or small issue via telephone helpline, email support or 1-2-1 counsellor chat.

Tel: 0800 1111 (9am-Midnight)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Panic & Phobia


Offers online information for individuals living with OCD.

OCD Youth

Run by young people with OCD for young people under 25 with OCD including an online forum

Email Support:

OCD Action

Advice and support around treatment for individuals affect by OCD via their helpline, website, email, online groups, forums, and local groups. Email:

No Panic

Provides information, advice and support for people living with Panic, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. Helpline: 0844 967 4848 (10am-10pm every day).

School Avoidance

Not Fine In School

A support group of families, family and friends of children who experience difficulties attending school. It is a place where you will find information, action such as raising awareness and where research is reported.

Self Esteem

Safeline Young People (SLYP)

Information, advice and support for issues such as bullying, self-esteem, mental health, social media, relationships, drugs and alcohol.

Helpline: 0808 800 5007

Text: 07860 027 573


Offers Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) self-help and therapy resources, including worksheets and information sheets and self-help mp3s. CBT helps mental health problems such as anxiety, low mood, anger and low self-esteem.

Health for Teens

Offers a choice of content and quizzes across all areas of your health, from sexual health to your feelings, growing up, lifestyle and more.

Self-harm & Suicidal Feelings

Harmless Service

Provides support and information about self-harm to individuals who self-harm, their friends and families. Promotes health and recovery, reducing isolation and distress, and increasing awareness and skill in intervention.


An app to help distract a young person from self-harming. They call it “riding the wave.” When the young person has an urge to self-harm or urges to self-harm they can go onto the app and choose to ride the wave. It allows you to select an activity type such as: comfort, distract, express, release or random. You can select which one you’re feeling and set an amount of time that you’re going to do the activity for. There is a long list of activities to choose from.


A free, private and confidential service for anyone under the age of 19 in the UK with any big or small issue. Offers a telephone helpline, email support or 1-2-1 counsellor chat.

Tel: 0800 1111 (9am-Midnight)


Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.

Tel: 0300 123 3393 or text 86463 (Mon – Fri, 9am – 6pm except bank holidays)



An app that helps young people manage emotions and reduce urges to self-harm. It includes a mood diary, toolbox of techniques to reduce distress and automatic routing to emergency numbers if urges to harm continue.


The UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. A place to go if you’re struggling to cope and need immediate help

Text ‘shout’ to 85258


A prevention of young suicide hotline staffed by trained professionals to provide confidential support for young people having thoughts of suicide

‘Hopeline UK’ 0800 068 4141 (10am-10pm Mon-Fri, 2-10pm Sat/Sun, 2-5pm Bank Holidays)

SMS: 07786 209697



Support around the clock, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for support with whatever you are going through.

Tel: 116 123 (free from any phone)

Sleeping Difficulties

The Children Sleep Charity

Supports parents by offering workshops, clinics and written material for children with sleeping issues.  Children – The Sleep Charity

Headspace for kids

Learn to meditate and live mindfully with hundreds of themed sessions on everything from stress to sleep. Bite-sized meditations for busy schedules and SOS exercises in case of sudden meltdowns. Free trial then monthly or yearly subscription.

Dreamy Kid

Children showing signs of stress, technology-fatigue, and anxiety can be helped with only 10 minutes of meditation. “With DreamyKid, just play it as they fall asleep or awake”. £9.99/month or £69/year. 

Substance Misuse

Turning Point Leicester Young People’s Drug & Alcohol service

For anyone under 25 years, providing 1:1 support and will meet you where you want. Help you find new ways to cope and gain control and provide a support plan in things to help you in your life, not just with drug or alcohol use.

Accessed on –
Tel: 0330 303 6000

Trauma, domestic violence and PTSD

Victim Support  

Victim Support offer free and confidential support people affected by crime and traumatic events – regardless of who reported the crime to the police.
0808 16 89 111 (24/7 365 days a year)

You & Co

Victim Support’s youth programme which helps young people cope with the impact and effects of crime including bullying, domestic abuse, online crime, sexual abuse, burglary and gang violence

Victim First

A team of experienced & professional caseworkers to support victims of crime in their journey of recovery
0800 953 9595

Living without Abuse

A domestic and sexual abuse charity based in Loughborough providing support to men, women and children affected by domestic abuse and/or sexual violence across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

01509 550317 / 0808 8020028

Facebook / Twitter / Instagram: @lwacharity

WE:ARE (Women’s Empowerment And Recovery Educators)

WE:ARE deliver a range of awareness and empowerment programmes for women and children affected by domestic abuse

Tel: 07868163103

UAVA (United Against Violence and Abuse)

Provides co-ordinated domestic, sexual violence and grooming services across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland for any male or female over 13yrs.
Hotline: 0808 80 200 28
Text only support – 07715 994 962
Email –

First Step

An organisation run for male survivors and their supporters of sexual abuse and rape living in Leicestershire.

Tel:  0116 254 8535

Respect Phoneline

A confidential helpline, email and webchat service giving help for perpetrators of domestic abuse, their victims and friends and family.

Telephone support: 0808 8024040 (Mon-Thurs 10am-8pm, Fri 10am-5pm)

Webchat support (Thurs 2-4pm).

Email support: (Mon-Fri 9am-8pm)


The leading children’s charity in the UK, specialising in child protection and dedicated to protecting children today to prevent abuse tomorrow. The only UK children’s charity with statutory powers, which means we can take action to safeguard children at risk of abuse

Helpline: 0808 800 5000

The Mix Counselling Service

Free confidential support for young people under 25 via online, social and mobile. Can help with issues from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs. Tel: 0808 8084994

Family Action’s Children & Families Services

Provides practical, emotional and financial support to those experiencing poverty, disadvantage and social isolation. Support adult family members via telephone, text, email and web chat Mon-Fri 9am-9pm:
Hotline 0808 802 6666
Text 07537 404 282

Leicestershire groups are:

Family Action Leicester Post Sexual Abuse Service. c/o The Brite Centre, Braunstone Avenue, Leicester LE3 1LE Tel: 0116 2168334

Family Action Leicester Pre-Trial Support Service, Fosse Neighbourhood Centre, Mantle Road, Leicester LE3 5HG Tel: 0116 2168334 

Other Useful Links

Teen Health Service – Leicestershire and Rutland

If you are aged between 11-19 (or up to 25 years for those with SEND) and live in Leicestershire or Rutland, the Teen Health Service can help with:

Support to improve mental health and emotional wellbeing, with a focus on self esteem, body image and building resilience.

Support for healthy relationships, building positive relationships, reducing violence in intimate relationships and promoting positive sexual health and wellbeing.

Support for children and young people to make healthier choices, with a focus on reducing substance misuse (particularly cannabis use) and alcohol consumption.

The Teen Health Service has a team of Health and Wellbeing Officers that work in the community and in secondary schools, working alongside pastoral and health and wellbeing leads.

Leicestershire –

Rutland –

Two short courses

The following link will take you to a list of short courses, two of which have been specially designed for teenagers and made available for people living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland: “5. Understanding your brain (for teenagers only!)” and “6. Understanding your feelings (for teenagers only!)”

Online Courses | Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland – Solihull Approach | Parenting (

Health for Teens

Offers a choice of content and quizzes across all areas of your health, from sexual health to your feelings, growing up, lifestyle and more.  

Health for Kids

A fun, engaging and interactive way for children to learn about health. Find games, top tips and advice on all aspects of children’s emotional and physical health. 

Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust Self Help Resources

Here you can find a range of support for your mental health and overall wellbeing. There’s information for parents, carers and professionals on the support that’s available for young people across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. 

Hey, how are you feeling? … Poster to download

Download a useful poster via this link that will quickly signpost a young person to the correct service.  

Leicestershire County Council – Children and Family Wellbeing Service

Children and Family Wellbeing Service can provide early help services to a child, young person or family where they are experiencing difficulties that cannot be supported by universal services, such as schools or GPs alone.

Support can be given to those who experience domestic abuse or struggle with their mental health and wellbeing, or need extra help with SEND, parenting or supporting targeted young people, including those at risk of crime.

Call the Children and Family Wellbeing Service Triage Team on 0116 305 8727 for further details or visit the link for more information:

Children and Family Wellbeing Service | Leicestershire County Council