
Bereavement is a time of mourning and intense grief, especially after the death or loss of a loved one. Grief is both the process and emotions we experience as we adjust to loss.
There is no right way to experience bereavement.
Losing someone important to us can be emotionally devastating – whether that be a partner, family member, friend or pet.
It is normal to go through a range of physical and emotional processes as we come to terms with the loss.
Bereavement affects everyone differently. Feelings of grief can happen because of other types of loss or changes in circumstances.
Major events resulting in death can also impact us even if we didn’t personally know those that died. They can trigger difficult emotions and remind us of other losses in our lives. And seeing others sad can make us feel sad ourselves.
How long does grief last?
There is no time limit on grief and experience varies from person to person. The time spent in a period of bereavement will be different for everybody and depends on factors such as the relationship, the strength of attachment or intimacy to the person who died, the situation surrounding their death, and the amount of time spent anticipating the death.
Self referral
If you would like some guidance, you can ask a mental health clinician. Click on the Do self referral icon and we hope to contact you within 7 days to provide you with suitable information.
Please also to take a look through self help resources below, which may be able to offer you additional support. You can also refer yourself to some of these services.
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Self help resources
We have put together a list of specialist organisations that may be able to offer you additional support, and you can self refer to some of these services.
View self help resources